Comment 69 for bug 61235

Revision history for this message
Daniel Holbert (dholbert) wrote :

KEYofR wrote:
> Also a question about the udev rules [...] if you detect a device by vendor foo on scsi

You're right -- some of the udev rules posted above are overly general. You can make them more specific by specifying the model of drive, or even the drive serial number if you want to be that specific.

Here's the contents of my udev rule file, "/etc/udev/rules.d/50-fix_usb_hd.rules". Notice the ATTRS{model}, specifying the drive model.

  # /etc/udev/rules.d/50-fix_usb_hd.rules
  SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{vendor}=="Seagate", ATTRS{model}=="FreeAgentDesktop", RUN+="/usr/bin/usbhdfix %k"

You can display the drive's model name (and other drive-specific stuff that you could query on) with this command:

   udevinfo --attribute-walk --name=/dev/sdc

(where /dev/sdc is where your drive's currently located)