Comment 66 for bug 61235

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Alberto Sentieri (diretoria-netgroup) wrote :


In spite of the fact I am new to this problem, I am seeing something that may help us. My drive is working perfectly with just the addition below:

echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/X\:0\:0\:0/allow_restart

I did not use the other command that changes the max_sectors to 1024 because I think it is not necessary.

Then Giuliano shows up and say this command is not working for him. What I am seeing is that probably we are talking about two different problems, and trying to apply the same solution to both of them.

The first problem has to do with the driver unit turning off after a long delay without access and then answering “not ready” during the first 3-5 seconds after a new access. The kernel does not like it and when one sets allow_restart to 1 then the kernel will retry until the drive become ready. The first problem is just that.

The second problem should be of a different nature: apparently when it happens big files are being copied to the drive. Unfortunately I do not know anything about USB and can not go further without help.

I am imagining if there is a program like tcpdump for USB, I mean, a program that capture everything that goes over a USB bus and save it into a file. Is there one? Does someone know how to do that? A program like that running on Giuliano server would probably give us significant tips. What about log files on Giuliano machine?