Comment 22 for bug 164231

Revision history for this message
Philip Walls (ubuntu-rabidgeek) wrote :

As promised, here is the fix to unbreak NFSv4 in the 2.6.22-14.47 kernel.

I independently tested:
- Mounting NFSv4 export (sec=sys and sec=krb5)
- Reading/writing from partition, including seeks (tail)


If you are willing to test the patch (or a new nfs.ko or linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic.deb, disclaiming the potential danger of running untrusted kernel code) in your setup to ensure that it fixes the problem you are experiencing, please contact me on IRC (<email address hidden>:#ubuntu-bugs) or respond here and I'll upload the fixed module to this bug.


Feel free to contact me on IRC if you have any questions.
