Comment 13 for bug 139881

Revision history for this message
Noel J. Bergman (noeljb) wrote :

> this hint is written in /usr/share/doc/hdapsd/README.Deabian, which should
> be the first place to read if some app does not work out of the box

Ubuntu is trying to deliver linux to a larger population of users. A typical problem throughout the Open Source world is recognizing and coping with a transition from a small population of computer-skilled participants able to dig for information to a larger unskilled population that expects everything to just work. No one outside of the cognoscenti is going to go digging under /usr/share/doc, unless explicitly told to look there. Nor should most users look there, given the nature of the material generally present (changelogs, TODO files, copyright notices). At best, we'll train users to read man pages.

In any event, don't worry about removing the package. If you "add a hint to that file on startup", and to the package description, that should indicate to most users that the feature won't be present, and point the rare few (a tiny fraction of a percent) who can handle the patch to what they have to do. And we can hope that someday either the kernel support will be mainline, or the daemon won't need it.