Comment 12 for bug 93417

Revision history for this message
Yannick Defais (sevmek) wrote :


Quoting the previous post: "it now affects skype which was not the case under gutsy."

I think that's wrong. It is probably affecting Skype since it began to do video under Linux. The problem is very ancient (since years) and the gspca devs just do not want to fix it (or lack time...). AFAIK, it is affecting Skype because under some circumstances, Skype reduce the size of the capturing video (320x240 to 160x120, i.e. one quarter the size), probably when it thinks the bandwidth is too small to send the "normal" size. The gspca driver pretend to send the right requested size (160x120); but in fact it just crop from 320x240.

Ekiga has the very same problem as it request by default 176x144 and gspca just crop from 320x240. As part of the Ekiga team, I documented this issue in our wiki:

The problem has been reported upstream since long now and the bad behaviour still remain the same...

Frodon, can you test the patch Luc Saillard provided ?
