Comment 19 for bug 16961

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Aaron C. de Bruyn (darkpixel2k) wrote :

I also have a similar problem on my server at home.
After testing and beating my head against the wall I stumbled across this bug report.
I have performed similar actions on Dapper, Edgy, and Feisty both x86 and AMD64 platforms.

The box usually crashes during boot. Occasionally it will let me into a shell, or start X. But it usually dies after a few minutes.

DIsabling powernowd (chmod -x /etc/init.d/powernowd) and rebooting fixes the issue.

I will have to try leaving it enabled and using the "noapic nolapic acpi=force" kernel options listed above.

Like I mentiond, I tested this on the ubuntu variant (not kubuntu or edubuntu) under both AMD64 and x86 architectures under versions 6.06 (dapper) 6.10 (edgy) and 7.04 (feisty).

I attempted to test one of the versions of Gutsy, but I ran into a few bugs that prevented me from knowing if the issue was the same.

I have attached my hardware list, kernel version, and pci list.