Comment 84 for bug 12637

Revision history for this message
Alberto (elba) wrote :

After reading maticmatija's message, I tested the Intrepid LiveCD again. I waited for the screen to blank and I touched the mouse: it came back to full brightness.
Is it possible that we have to do with a family of different, although possibly related, bugs? In my machine (ASUS Z53H) Hardy 8.04 seemed to switch off some hardware switch (a BIOS flag?). On turning on my pc after shutting down Hardy, the lcd was dim even when the splash ASUS screen popped up, that is, before the grub menu appeared. Conversely, if I reboot after shutting down Intrepid alpha5, the screen is bright since the beginning, and gets dim only at same time after grub. The simple conclusion is that, whatever Hardy does to _this_ machine, it does not evaporate at shutdown and is still there and _active_ when the pc is powered on, before the kernel is loaded and even before the operating system is chosen. But Intrepid seems to work.