Comment 554 for bug 532633

Revision history for this message
Lenin (gagarin) wrote :

The change of the buttons from the right to the left, with different order is a fatal change.
Even I as an experienced computer user was annoyed. Having had a different them, where all
buttons look the same, even on mouse over. So it was unclar which button did close/maximize-minimize/hide...

Window Maker, having copied the design of NeXT/NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP (what Apple bought and made worse, design wise) was the best thing in my opinion. Having the close and hide buttons on the far right, far left,
so nobody could accidently slip and press the wrong button, saving the user from answering a stupid question like "are you sure you want to close the document without saving it"...

Please consider for the sake of consistent user experience keeping it as it was.