Comment 511 for bug 532633

Revision history for this message
Jef Spaleta (jspaleta) wrote :

Pyramid Technologies 508:
 Have you been running Karmic? My understanding that the GDM customization issue you refer to was introduced when moving to GDM 2.26 from 2.20 because of the refactoring of upstream GDM the original gdmconfig no longer works. Ubuntu skipped several upstream releases of GDM to avoid regressions due to the refactoring...but you can't wait forever and GDM was finally updated again in the run up to Karmic's released introducing the configuration regression. Subsequently a replacement stand alone gdmconfig was created I believe by Canonical's Desktop Team and submitted to Gnome as a patch via bugzilla.

Reference with regard to the existing re-written config tool:

This has a good discussion as to why the original gdmconfig need to be let go: (comments 3 and 5 especially)

And the issues preventing a good complete secure rewrite are not completely solved: