Comment 463 for bug 532633

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Spang (hetkot) wrote :


Watched the screencasts so I could make somewhat of fair judgment. As far as I can tell window management buttons are still on the right :P. I'm kidding, though again I think even here I can generalize. I'd say Gnome 3.0 shell allows you to keep your old basic habbits, window management on the right, taskbar, some sort of menu, but allows you to extend them. I even deem it possible my mother wouldn't be confronted with any of the new features. Fact of the matter is, I was actually planning to upgrade that PC to Lucid and then stick with the LTS while it was supported. ;)

Look, I'm not saying that an OS should be designed with 62 year old ladies in mind. But changes that impact very basic computer interaction patterns for some reason feel like they outweigh others by far. Things change in Gnome 3.0, but as far as I can tell they seem to be respecting the basics. And, changes that are there seem to have reason.

Don't change things for the sake of change, or to differentiate. Make changes because they make improvements.
(as I said before, no one would just changes the order of throttle and brake in a car, without a very good reason)