Comment 406 for bug 532633

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aysiu (ubuntubugzilla-psychocats) wrote :

Yes, Mark, if you can clarify a bit about what kind of data you will actually consider as a factor in your decision, perhaps people here can actually help you by providing that data so we can avoid arguments that just go around in circles.

What are you looking for? Polls? Anecdotes?

If polls, what would you like the poll options to be? If anecdotes, what specific things do you want people to test for?

Believe me, most of the people here who are opposed to the change would love to be able to work with you to get you what you need to make a well-informed decision. We just need guidance on what will actually help you.

So far, you haven't seemed to really take into consideration the valid criticisms that have been brought up (and, no, they haven't just been "we're used to something else"). You keep mentioning "data," so it'd be great to know either what data you are currently collection and what userbase that consists of or what data you would like us to collect for you and how you would like that approached so that you do take it seriously.