Comment 11 for bug 1677398

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote : Re: Apparmor prevents using ZFS storage pools

Back on this, currently trying to build up a case where this can be tested from git (had some obstacles):
- In the dev system (from local dir) not all apparmor rules apply
- In a container the zfs actions are not all possible
- So we need a KVM driving a 2nd-level KVM for all of this.

0. get a multi-cpu KVM guest with build env

1. normal uvtool based guest in there
2. prep zfs as outlined in c#3
4. check if bug triggers and confinement is active
   $ sudo aa-status | grep -E 'libv|qemu'
5. share the repo dir
    <filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'>
      <source dir='/home/paelzer/work/libvirt/libvirt-upstream-git-root'/>
      <target dir='libvirt-git'/>
   And then in guest:
   $ sudo mkdir -p /home/paelzer/work/libvirt/libvirt-upstream-git-root
   $ sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio libvirt-git /home/paelzer/work/libvirt/libvirt-upstream-git-root
5. switch to locally built repo
   (built on host and used in guest as root), install into the system
   $ sudo make install
6. check you have the new version
7. Check contained aa status
   $ sudo aa-status | grep -E 'libv|qemu'
8. check the bug still triggers running from that

That is close to a ppa build and install being easier :-)
It is also easier to retest for others on the bug and more reliable to catch the way will work in Ubuntu.
So while (somehwat) working gogin on with local dev and then shoving it onto test systems through a ppa build.