Comment 16 for bug 630239

Revision history for this message
Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) wrote :

So, I'm seeing these invalid reads in the keyboard plugin:

==4294== Invalid read of size 1
==4294== at 0x4C29732: strcmp (mc_replace_strmem.c:426)
==4294== by 0x640AD28: g_str_equal (gstring.c:115)
==4294== by 0x63D7E6A: g_hash_table_insert_internal (ghash.c:401)
==4294== by 0x13BE70E5: popup_menu_set_group (gsd-keyboard-xkb.c:376)
==4294== by 0x13BE7C84: apply_xkb_settings (gsd-keyboard-xkb.c:543)
==4294== by 0x13BE8377: gsd_keyboard_xkb_init (gsd-keyboard-xkb.c:1123)
==4294== by 0x13BE651A: start_keyboard_idle_cb (gsd-keyboard-manager.c:399)
==4294== by 0x63E67E1: g_main_context_dispatch (gmain.c:2119)
==4294== by 0x63EA747: g_main_context_iterate (gmain.c:2750)
==4294== by 0x63EAC54: g_main_loop_run (gmain.c:2958)
==4294== by 0x4F7AA46: gtk_main (gtkmain.c:1237)
==4294== by 0x404299: main (main.c:502)
==4294== Address 0x1aa7d3a1 is 1 bytes inside a block of size 4 free'd
==4294== at 0x4C27D71: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:366)
==4294== by 0x13BE7104: popup_menu_set_group (gsd-keyboard-xkb.c:392)
==4294== by 0x13BE7C84: apply_xkb_settings (gsd-keyboard-xkb.c:543)
==4294== by 0x13BE8377: gsd_keyboard_xkb_init (gsd-keyboard-xkb.c:1123)
==4294== by 0x13BE651A: start_keyboard_idle_cb (gsd-keyboard-manager.c:399)
==4294== by 0x63E67E1: g_main_context_dispatch (gmain.c:2119)
==4294== by 0x63EA747: g_main_context_iterate (gmain.c:2750)
==4294== by 0x63EAC54: g_main_loop_run (gmain.c:2958)
==4294== by 0x4F7AA46: gtk_main (gtkmain.c:1237)
==4294== by 0x404299: main (main.c:502)

It is most likely the key for that particular node pointing to free'd memory.

This is happening here in popup_menu_set_group:

         for (g = 0; g < g_strv_length (shortnames);g++) {
          gpointer pcounter = NULL;
          gchar *prev_layout_name = NULL;
          int counter = 0;

          if (g < g_strv_length (shortnames)) {
           if (xkl_engine_get_features (engine) &
            gchar *longname = (gchar *) g_slist_nth_data (current_kbd_config.layouts_variants, g);
            gchar *variant_name;
            if (!gkbd_keyboard_config_split_items (longname, &lname, &variant_name))
             /* just in case */
             lname = longname;

            /* make it freeable */
            lname = g_strdup (lname);

            if (shortnames != NULL) {
             gchar *shortname = shortnames[g];
             if (shortname != NULL && *shortname != '\0') {
              /* drop the long name */
              g_free (lname);
              lname = g_strdup (shortname);
           } else {
            lname = g_strdup (longnames[g]);
          if (lname == NULL)
           lname = g_strdup ("");

          /* Process layouts with repeating description */
          if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (ln2cnt_map, lname, (gpointer *) & prev_layout_name, &pcounter)) {
           /* "next" same description */
           counter = GPOINTER_TO_INT (pcounter);
                                guide = "XXX1";
1--> g_hash_table_insert (ln2cnt_map, lname, GINT_TO_POINTER (counter+1));

          if (st->group == g) {
           if (counter > 0) {
            gchar appendix[10] = "";
            gint utf8length;
            gunichar cidx;
            /* Unicode subscript 2, 3, 4 */
            cidx = 0x2081 + counter;
            utf8length = g_unichar_to_utf8 (cidx, appendix);
            appendix[utf8length] = '\0';
            layout_name = g_strconcat (lname, appendix, NULL);
           } else {
            layout_name = g_strdup(lname);
2--> g_free(lname);

So, at 2), the key "lname" is being free'd after it was previously inserted in to the hash table (1), leaving a hash table full of nodes with keys pointing to free'd memory regions