Comment 6 for bug 260021

Revision history for this message
John O'Neall (joneall) wrote :

In my case, it may crash or it may just hang when I try to open the Recent Documents drop-down list from the File menu.

The only log message I can find is in /var/log/apport.log:

apport (pid 15554) Sun Mar 15 17:24:17 2009: called for pid 15550, signal 11
apport (pid 15554) Sun Mar 15 17:24:17 2009: executable: /usr/lib/kompozer/kompozer-bin (command line "/usr/lib/kompozer/kompozer-bin")
apport (pid 15554) Sun Mar 15 17:24:17 2009: apport: report /var/crash/_usr_lib_kompozer_kompozer-bin.1000.crash already exists and unseen, doing nothing to avoid disk usage DoS

whatever that may indicate.

Yes, please increase the importance of this.