Comment 31 for bug 403610

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drewlong (info-solutionconsulting) wrote :

Chris has hit the nail on the head, this is a major issue for anyone presenting to or training clients, let alone the impact it has on your desktop efficiency.

As a small business owner it is essential we spend our time running our business not mucking about with out IT, it's also essential that we look professional in front of our clients and dropping to the CLI at the start of a presentation is not really an option. With any number of different projectors and large plasma screens out there, at any number of different resolutions, this is one feature which needs to work seamlessly.

xrandr seams to detect everything correctly - all the time - it would appear the os just doesn't do something intelligent with the output.

Anything you can do to bump this up the priority list and resolve it will be greatly appreciated. In the mean time I guess we will have to continue to use arandr which so far seams to work.