Comment 3 for bug 223412

Revision history for this message
willfe (willfe) wrote :

I've observed similar behavior, but maddeningly, it's *only* affecting Previous and Next. The Play/Pause, Stop, Mute, Volume Up/Down, and the little "musical note" multimedia keys on my keyboard work properly everywhere, whether Amarok has focus or not. When Amarok is focused, the Previous and Next keys also work.

When Amarok is not focused, though, Previous and Next do nothing. Play/Pause does play/pause, Stop does stop, and the "music note" key is mapped to toggling the OSD, which also works whether Amarok's focused or not.

Not sure how to fix this one. Amarok does correctly detect the keys when focused, and during configuration it easily grabs the keypresses when I set up the Global Shortcuts.