Comment 52 for bug 331192

Revision history for this message
alvadoraemon (alvadoraemon) wrote :

Hello to everybody.

My system is Kubuntu 9.10 32 bit, updated from 9.04; KDE packages are from kde 4.4.2 PPA. All the modifications from the posts above were in the python files, and my locale is es_ES.UTF8.

First, I installed a network printer; after this, I tried to view the printer properties from the list, and the system did nothing. Then I tried to run systemsettings from command line, with sudo; when selecting my printer from the list, I obtained this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/", line 424, in on_tvMainList_cursor_changed
  File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/", line 1174, in fillPrinterTab
  File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/", line 1655, in add_job_option
  File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/", line 66, in OptionWidget
    return OptionSelectOne(name, v, s, on_change)
  File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/", line 321, in __init__
    self.selector = QComboBox(self)
TypeError: QComboBox(QWidget parent=None): argument 1 has unexpected type 'instance'

Error messages say "self" isn't an instance of the right class - sorry for my poor Ptython :-P -, so I tried the imports from the patch above and ran again systemsettings from the cli... But then Python didn't "recognize" KIntSpinBox and throws and error in the console.

After this I installed the CUPS PDF printer and I can see teh properties of this one; then i select the problematic printer and then
i can see some of the properties, but the driver is the one from PDF printer. In the cli, the error above appears at the start of printer config module.

My Python skills are very low, and I don't know what to do... Reinstall some PyQT or PyKDE packages? Some programming magic? Or i must wait to Lucid final?