Comment 9 for bug 333944

Revision history for this message
julos (julos68) wrote :

- I tried to remove all widgets but it didn't have an influence, kded4/xorg still used 100% cpu.
- I tried a "renice 0" on kded4, but the system crashed before I could notice anything
After the reboot, kded4 was back to normal cpu usage: I tried a "renice 15" (which I hope is the right default setting) and rebooted and kded4 is still behaving normally in terms of cpu usage...
BUT anything related to KDE is really very slow, like when the cpu is under stress:
- K menu can barely be used
- Konsole behaves like if the display would be refreshed every 5 sec
- everything about KDE behaves like under stress
- on the other hand firefox, dolphin are starting normally but behaving slowly (display)

("normal" means like in Intrepid or better. "slow" means you can't work in such condition.)

Any hint ?