Comment 5 for bug 349237

Revision history for this message
Andreas Jonsson (sonofjon) wrote :

I get the following error messages when running /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet

andreas@brain2:~$ /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet
/usr/share/themes/Dust/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:708: Murrine configuration option "highlight_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please use "highlight_shade" instead.
/usr/share/themes/Dust/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:709: Murrine configuration option "lightborder_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please use "lightborder_shade" instead.

I am obviously using the Dust theme. If I change to the Human theme these error messages do not occur.

However, I am not sure how related this is to the reported bug. There was no response in the panel to running /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet. Since I updated to Ubuntu 9.04 Beta (from Intrepid) I have not seen any "indicator-applet" in my panel. Neither does one appear if I try to add one by right-clicking on the panel -> Add to Panel. Well, I do see a thin vertical bar added, but there is nothing else there, like an icon or something.

Furthermore, I can no longer reproduce the bug originally posted, regardless whether I use the Human or the Dust theme.

Sorry if this is somewhat of a confused response (I am confused at the moment). Nevertheless, I hope it helps to some extent.