Comment 28 for bug 614742

Revision history for this message
Maxim Doucet (maximdoucet) wrote :

I don't think the bug should be closed because it is still present in Lucid!

The solution for me on Lucid (Ubuntu 10.04.1) with Empathy 2.30.2 was to folow Dr. Kenobi's comment #19!

 * go to facebook -> account -> privacy settings -> applications and websites settings -> "Remove unwanted or spammy applications" -> remove Gwibber
 * launch gwibber, manage accounts, add facebook, enter your login (email address works here)/password to authorize Gwibber as if it was the first time
 * the "Add" button does *not* appear yet
 * close the Gwibber's account window, open it again and redo the facebook connexion process
 * the "Add" button appears and it works finally well

Does anyone else have success with this?