Comment 34 for bug 7560

Revision history for this message
tdflanders (thomasdelbeke) wrote :

Hi there,

I also have that problem, and I want to add another perspective. I have put 2 folders in my wastebin, a small on: firefox 10,6 MB and a larger one: APTonCD 928 MB. I had previously changed the permissions: '$ sudo chmod -cR 777 ./firefox* ./APTonCD' and '$ sudo chown -cR 1000 ./firefox* ./APTonCD'. Because of failure to: '$ sudo install ./firefox* /bin' and failure to attach the APTonCD packages to apt-cache. When I removed them to the wastebin I could not permanently delete nor restore them, nor write them away to a backup device. Now as a newbie I don't know where my wastebin is located or what it is called (trashapplet? gnometrash?). I see the wastebin icon on my lower Desktop panel, in the right below corner. When I do '$ cd /home/user/Desktop' and '~/Desktop$ ls -la | less' I find no reference to the wastebin. I also don't know how to use the grep command. Is it '$ sudo grep 'wastebin' ./*' or something like that? My normal method to find the path to those files is to right click on their icons in the GUI and click on propertis. Unfortunately in my wastebin all icon paths are displayed as: trash:///. Even more unfortunate:

thomas@thomas-laptop:~/Desktop$ cd /trash
bash: cd: /trash: No such file or directory
thomas@thomas-laptop:~/Desktop$ cd ~/trash
bash: cd: /home/thomas/trash: No such file or directory
thomas@thomas-laptop:~/Desktop$ cd ./trash
bash: cd: ./trash: No such file or directory

Therefor I cannot resore permissions on these files. So that is already 1 GB that is there forever. The only way to fix this problem with the very poor Linux skills I have, that I can think of anyway, is to backup everything and reformat the partition. Now when I download a large .torrent file, I get the error message: 'this torrent is paused, not enough disk space is available'. So this problem may be more serious than it seems for many novice users. Maybe you compu wizards can write a HOWTO for newbies?