Comment 83 for bug 491521

Revision history for this message
Michael Coupet (compmastermike) wrote :

I'm still having problems with pidgin, sonata, and liferea. Though the other problems are solved (except for flash, embedding gstreamer, and previously mentioned drawing problems). Webkit is broken, both epiphany and midori have broken see-through rendering when gtk widgets are present on the page ( displays terribly for example, while ubuntuforums works perfectly). Sonata is broken because it uses egg.trayicon over gtk.statusicon (though it implements both). Forcing it to use gtk.statusicon makes it work perfectly. And chromium still has flash issues too, but since it doesn't use gtk on web pages it doesn't have the problems epiphany or midori have, but it doesn't display the titlebar correctly when using gtk theme.

Oh, and I'm liking the rgba, Cimitan. :D