Comment 2 for bug 2057965

Revision history for this message
Brett Holman (holmanb) wrote :

> due to network not being fully set up when startup scripts are run.

google-startup-scripts.service starts well after the network is online, so I think that the actual reason is that cc_apt_configure hasn't ran yet when the startup script starts. The diff looks like some apt mirrors configured by cloud-init, possibly via GCE's vendordata?

> This can be fixed by adding an explict `After=cloud-config.service` to the google-startup-scripts.service file, which enforces the correct ordering between google-startup-scripts and cloud-init.

+1 agreed, that should fix it. However if ssh login needs to be possible (which I do not know) when the script runs, then you may want to order after systemd-user-sessions.service instead (see this bug[1] for context).

That all said, the second critical chain looks unusual - what took ~16.6s between and
