Comment 24 for bug 231246

Revision history for this message
Michael Blinn (mblinn-gmail) wrote :

Here's my output of the same:

root@www:~# polkit-auth --show-obtainable
[WARN 26160] kit-hash.c:206:kit_hash_insert(): key != NULL
 Not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
[WARN 26160] kit-hash.c:294:kit_hash_lookup(): key != NULL
 Not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
...and about 75 more lines of this.

root@www:~# ck-list-sessions
 uid = '1004'
 realname = 'Real Username 1'
 seat = 'Seat57'
 session-type = ''
 active = TRUE
 x11-display = 'localhost:10.0'
 x11-display-device = ''
 display-device = '/dev/pts/0'
 remote-host-name = 'ws1-015'
 is-local = FALSE
 on-since = '2008-07-02T11:39:58Z'
 uid = '1004'
 realname = 'Real Username 1'
 seat = 'Seat58'
 session-type = 'ck-launch-sessi'
 active = FALSE
 x11-display = 'localhost:11.0'
 x11-display-device = ''
 display-device = ''
 remote-host-name = ''
 is-local = FALSE
 on-since = '2008-07-02T11:39:59Z'
 uid = '1059'
 realname = 'Real Username 2'
 seat = 'Seat70'
 session-type = ''
 active = TRUE
 x11-display = 'localhost:24.0'
 x11-display-device = ''
 display-device = '/dev/pts/10'
 remote-host-name = 'ws0-160'
 is-local = FALSE
 on-since = '2008-07-02T14:38:29Z'

...and 10 or 15 more users (All on LTSP terminals)

root@www:~# cat /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- XML -*- -->

<!DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration 1.0//EN"

<!-- See the manual page PolicyKit.conf(5) for file format -->

<config version="0.1">
    <match user="root">
        <return result="yes"/>
    <define_admin_auth group="admin"/>