Comment 22 for bug 208480

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NoOp (glgxg) wrote :

Ubuntu Hardy Beta fresh install & fully updated as of April 7, 2008, Gnome desktop.

Right clicking a directory from Nautilus and selecting "Sharing Options" then "Share this folder", "Create Share" on a user folder results in:

'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share <foldername>. Ero was Operation not permitted.

Ironic in that I can manually add the share in /etc/smb.conf and it will share just fine.

1. I think that nautilus-share is broken.
2. Users migrating from Gutsy to Hardy will have no idea as to how to add Samba and/or NFS shares without something in the System|Administration or other menu to guide them. Merely assuming that they will know how to set up a shared folder via nautilus-share (albeit a broken one) will not work.

I'm somewhat familiar with Ubuntu (Dapper - Edgy - Fiesty - Gutsy - Hardy) and Samba on each of those, but I can say that trying to set up Samba shares on Hardy has been difficult. Had I not known how to manually edit the /etc/smb.conf file by hand I'd still be scratching my head on how to get the share working.