Comment 18 for bug 208480

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Michael Sebastian (msebast2) wrote :

OK Sebastien, I'm here to eat my words. Indeed I am an idiot.
I agree that the #3 build of shares-admin on hardy is completely broken.
Attempting to set up a share doesn't work at all.

I also tried shares-admin on my gutsy laptop.
It worked OK. There was one bug.
I had to restart smbd to make the shared folders visible from another computer.
So my memory wasn't fooling me it really did work before.

I found several other issues with Thunar and XFCE. They seem to be missing lots of functionality besides just sharing files. So I've had to switch back to gnome desktop on my mythtv box to get the features I need.

I see some issues with nautilus-share.
I'll report them in the right place.