Comment 24 for bug 1760399

Revision history for this message
Mario Vukelic (kreuzsakra) wrote :

I can confirm on Disco that this is definitely better, but not completely solved for me:

gnome-settings-daemon 3.30.2-2ubuntu1
Screen Keyboard is off in Universal Access settings

* Good in both X and Wayland:

1. Touch Activities on panel
2. Touch "type to search" box
-> OSK comes up.
3. Close OSK with ArrowDown icon
4. Touch "type to search" box again
-> OSK comes up again.
(Same good behavior for:
Applications on dock -> "Type to search"
GDM login screen -> password field)

* Good only in X, not good in Wayland:

1. Two applications side by side e.g. gnome-term and gedit
2. Switch windows by touching
-> In X, OSK comes up on focus change, but not in Wayland . So in X it is good so far but ...
3. Close OSK by ArrowDown icon
4. Touch _same_ window again (and hence no focus switch)
-> no OSK even in X

1. Start on an empty workspace: Firefox, nautilus, epiphany, and others:
2. Touch text entry fields
-> OSK comes up in X but not in Wayland

* Bad in both X and Wayland:

1. Go to empty workspace
2. Launch gnome-term, LibreOffice Writer or Calc, others:
-> no OSK. However in X (but not Wayland) ...
3. Switch focus by touching any menu on Gnome panel
4. Touch gnome-term again
-> Now OSK comes up

* Bad in X when OSK does not come up automatically:

When OSK does not appear automatically, there is still no way to summon it on demand.
(While in Wayland swiping up still works as workaround but remains difficult to discover)