Comment 13 for bug 801763

Revision history for this message
Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo-moya) wrote :

Oliver, we're not removing that setting. I uploaded a g-s-d patch to decrease the delay for syndaemon, from 2 seconds, the default one, to 0.5s. But I was told that would break it for other users, and that there were some patches in the xorg and kernel mailing lists (sorry Bryce, don't have those pointers) to fix the underlying problem.

So I reverted the 0.5s decrease patch, which really didn't fix anything, since the problem seems to be lower in the stack. I guess syndaemon should the responsible for dealing with this correctly? gnome-settings-daemon just calls syndaemon, and uses the explicit 2.0 seconds delay (which is the default in syndaemon), as I was told, to fix other issues. So, should we really keep the 0.5s decrease patch or fix it better in syndaemon or xorg/kernel?