Comment 19 for bug 694910

Revision history for this message
Roy Sindre Norangshol (norangshol) wrote :

You could also probably just remove the «video-out» shortcut key who is mapped on «super+p».

These hotkeys configurations should probably be easier to configure from some settings panel as «super+p» is used in IDE's for example. Another example is that «super+p» is often used in xmonad for spawning dmenu as «most» users remap xmonad's modifier key to super.

This was tested and confirmed to work in Debian Wheezy, since I got the tip from this bug report and post #18
to dig into dconf-editor and check org->gnome->settings-daemon->plugins->media-keys.

I guess this also works for Ubuntu users and I highly suggest this setting to be easily configurable thru «control panel» or wherever you configure hotkeys in Ubuntu for usability. :-)

I also support others that this shouldn't be the default behavior to override «super+p» globally due to hardware vendors doing silly stuff.