Comment 17 for bug 199960

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Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Hi guys,

Well, perhaps we can try brute forcing it to stop crashing with a workaround. I've prepared a new version which lets us whitelist the drivers/devices this is allowed to run on. Namely, this limits it to not run on 855 or on drivers other than intel, ati, etc.

Could you please test this deb, and see if it eliminates the gnome-settings-daemon crash when the xrandr plugin is enabled?

Note that this does NOT fix gnome-display-properties; it will still either crash, or fail to do anything when Apply is hit. However, if you guys find that this solves the crash in gnome-settings-daemon, I can apply a similar change to gnome-display-properties to make it use the old config tool instead (or at least pop up an error dialog).

Thanks. (Sorry I've been less responsive lately - I came down pretty ill yesterday and have been out of sorts.)