Comment 13 for bug 399492

Revision history for this message
Scott Howard (showard314) wrote : Re: [Bug 399492] Re: Feature request : Possible improvements for notifications

From Richard Hughes, author of GPM, in response to our bug request:

> For example, right now GPM gives the following notification:
> title = "Power Information"
> message = "Laptop battery fully charged (100%). Provides 2 hours 5 minutes
> battery runtime."
> Can be made:
> title = "Battery full"
> message = "2 hours 5 minutes battery runtime available"

Sure, agreed.

> Some more information:
> 1) Usually the strings are constructed as follows:
> "<DEVICE NAME> <event> <time>. ( <percentage> )"
> <DEVICE NAME> is chosen to be the verbose "Laptop battery" to distinguish
> between phone, keyboard, laptop, etc. However, on systems without any
> peripherals, it could be just "Battery." Additionally, even systmes with
> peripherals "Battery" would be inferred to mean "Laptop battery," so it may not
> be necessary.

No, I just had battery there before, and I got bugs about _which_ battery it
was referring to... If there are no other battery type devices present, I guess
this makes sense.

> 2) having both <time> and ( <percentage> ) may be redundant.

Only if the time is accurate -- which on some systems it's not.

> 3) the title "Power Information" could be dropped for something more
> descriptive for each event (such as "Battery full" or "AC unplugged")

I agree with this.

> On launchpad I started developing a mock-up patch to test some of these ideas
> to get user feedback when Martin Pitt suggested we send this upstream since we
> would also need translation support and feedback from GNOME.

Totally, there's no point developing this in sekret just for Ubuntu.

> The specification also includes new icons, which is discussed on both the ML
> and launchpad site.

I think the new icons could be harder to swallow -- but you could raise this
topic on desktop development list and see what the feedback is.

Anyway, patches welcomed with open arms. Please do patches against git master.
