Comment 13 for bug 115080

Revision history for this message
tpost001 (tpost001) wrote :

I still get the above error messages and I have GConf key system->gstreamer->0.10->default->"autovideosink" (without the quotes).

thomas@mythTV:~$ gstreamer-properties
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'artsdsink'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'esdsink'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'sunaudiosink'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'glimagesink'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'sdlvideosink'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'v4lmjpegsrc'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'qcamsrc'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'esdmon'
gstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'sunaudiosrc'

My webcam

       Bus 002 Device 005: ID 046d:089d Logitech, Inc. QuickCam E2500 series

Should work out-of-the-box in Ubuntu 10.10 but the lower half of the video is garbled. I use (64-bit Ubuntu 10.10 [not mythbuntu] )

       LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/ skype

When I do the terminal screen is filled with these kinds of error messages:

libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 4 more bits
libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 3 more bits
libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 4 more bits
libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 5 more bits
libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 1 more bits
libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 5 more bits
libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: fill_nbits error: need 5 more bits

I found this:

And when I try gstreamer-properties, I get the same error messages amd my webcam video still does not work properly. Where can I get these plugins that are not yet installed. I did not find them in the SPM. And will any of them help.