Comment 45 for bug 863154

Revision history for this message
Douglas Griffin (stealthdeath) wrote :

Confirmed Diggao's post #11.

Line streaking/spiking was produced in GIMP 2.6 using only a standard generic Microsoft Optical Mouse (USB-PS/2 Compatible) and Ubuntu 11.10. Nothing like this seen in other programs such as MyPaint, SynfigStudio, Inkscape or Blender.

In fact, the streaking frequency was far more prevalent, 5 to 10 times greater, with the mouse than the Genius Mousepad 8x6 Tablet on our 64bit Ubuntu setup.

Did the same thing with a Dell ball-tracking mouse with PS/2 connection on our 32bit Ubuntu setup.

I can't help but think that maybe someone made some little tweak in communication protocol and loused up the connection handshaking from what was previously agreed upon. Or maybe another few clock cycles were added in some other process that causes a loss of communication which must be then reestablished. Maybe the line streaks in GIMP 2.6 are the same thing as the dropouts you get the faster you draw in GIMP 2.7.3. Perhaps they are the same problem manifest differently. The problem is across multiple hardware peripheral devices proven to work before the upgrade to 11.10. So it's not the hardware or their drivers. It has to be the way information is passed to and from GIMP to the Kernel. The compatibility problem is probably in the new kernel. It would be interesting to find another debian based distro with the same kernel to see if the problem can be reproduced. Or maybe it is that compounded with a buggy Compiz. Deevad may be correct about a buggy Compiz and Xorg.

"Compiz is one of the first compositing window managers for the X Window System that uses 3D graphics hardware to create fast compositing desktop effects for window management. The effects, such as a minimization effect and a cube workspace are implemented as loadable plugins. Because it conforms to the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual standard, Compiz can substitute for the default Mutter in GNOME or KWin in KDE."


"Correct distribution bugs :
 Linux Mint 11 comes with all the bugs of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narval . Bugs makes Compiz laggy ( effect for windows manager ), problems for 3D programs and tablet. "