Comment 10 for bug 135650

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Johan Kiviniemi (ion) wrote :

Here’s a valgrind report. It took a full fifteen minutes just to get gimp’s main window opened in a valgrind session. ;-)

This seems to be the relevant part:
==939== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
==939== at 0x402137F: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:233)
==939== by 0x47948C0: g_free (in /usr/lib/
==939== by 0x602EBC5: option_menu_get_props (in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/

The problem seems to be in the ubuntulooks theme engine. When i switch to another theme engine (even clearlooks, of which ubuntulooks is a fork IIRC), gimp doesn’t crash anymore.

If i start gimp with another theme engine and choose “New image”, it works. If i then switch back to the Human theme while gimp is still running and choose “New image” again, it crashes.