Comment 6 for bug 445123

Revision history for this message
Joel Ebel (jbebel) wrote : Re: There's no simple way to disable the gdm face browser

As mentioned in another bug, I managed to disable the face browser by hand editing /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml There may be an incantation of gconftool-2 which can edit this file in a more friendly, but I haven't discovered it yet. But even then, the login screen is not optimal.

1. There is not a box to type your username into until you click "Log In" or press Enter.
2. If you begin typing, you type into a search box as though you were searching the user list, but with it disabled, this does nothing.

The combination of these means that users are likely to begin typing their username (into a search box), hit Enter, begin typing their password (Again into a search box, which now is displaying their password in *plain text*) and press Enter again with nothing happening. Having to press Enter an additional time before typing your username is a big change from what people expect, and having the meaningless search box only further confuses the issue.