Comment 61 for bug 634554

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In , Herr (herr-redhat-bugs) wrote :

I think I found what is causing this udev problem.

The suspicious thing is the virtual box kernel module - but I am not sure if it is really to blame - because if I remove it from the services (so lsmod does not list it) and even remove it's udev ruleset entry under /etc/udev/rules.d (and rebooting) fuse does not come back to live.

So at the moment I can't use fuse, and I don't know how to re enable it - even reinstalling udev does not work for now.

Why do I find Virtual box suspicious?

At first, when I talk about virtual box, I mean the "Personal Use and Evaluation License" edition - installed from the fedora rpm at the vbox website - not the OSE edition from rpmfusion!

The normal mechanism is:
When getting a new kernel via yum update, self compiled kernel modules like "vboxdrv" have to be compiled again.

So when I got my last kernel update, the virtual box kernel module (in short "vboxdrv") did not load because it was build for the old kernel. I was not aware of this because I don't use virtual box all the time. After reinstalling udev, fuse did work again (as described in my last post here).

But after a time I had to use virtual box, had to compile vboxdrv again (this is archived almost automatically by activating a script via "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup").
Now it took some time that I had to use fuse again - and to discover it does not work again. So the only new kernel module I did install for sure was vboxdrv.

The thing which speaks against my theory is, that removing vboxdrv from the init scripts and removing it's ruleset from udev does not help. In the beginning of my bug reports (before the kernel update) I even did uninstall the whole vbox package (because this was supposed in some forum), which did not help either.

So maybe it is the script which starts when doing "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" and doing something strange... but I do not have time right now to look at it.

Can someone confirm this correlation with Virtual Box, or even confirm if compiling any "own" kernel modules may disturb fuse or udev?