Comment 2 for bug 280433

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Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

Vincent: I tested before uploading it. I can assure you that. So please, do not condemned someone before knowing what has been done.

The change was part of a global change which was to make it depends on default-jre | java2-runtime instead of specific java version.

If you look at default-jre :
$ apt-cache show default-jre
Depends: default-jre-headless (= 1.6-30ubuntu3), openjdk-6-jre (>= 6b11)

and java2-runtime is a virtual package provided by openjdk-6-jre for instance.

So, consedering that, that's very strange that the required package has not been downloaded. I am most in favor of an error during the installation of freecol where every package was not installed. I subscribed doko to this bug as he is the java specialist about that change.