Comment 16 for bug 409119

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Jamie Lokier (jamie-shareable) wrote :

I've hit this bug when upgrading Maverick to Natty, and
I've also had it happen a year or two ago during a previous upgrade.

The older one:

 - For some reason after downloading everything in a full GUI-led upgrade, some other package
    caused the wireless network to turn off and flashplugin then quietly failed to install properly
    but marked itself as done. It was a proper Ubuntu upgrade, so it's only by chance that I
    happened to look at the "details" window as it failed and knew what to do.

 - Maverick to Natty failure. Again a full upgrade (this time I used do-release-upgrade from the
   command line though.) flashplugin again failed, this time with the same errors as comment
   #10 - it's trying to resolve "false".

   Because it shows the full URL, and finished with a permission error rather than an DNS failure
   (unfortunately my ISP has a wildcard DNS for all failed matches), I wrongly thought it was
   a Canonical server being temporarily broken, and would be well known and fixed in due course.

   But no, and looking now, I see it's an old proxy setting in /etc/apt.conf.

   Here's the thing: That setting is exactly what the original CD-ROM installer had put there.
   I've never changed it. It says:

      APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";
      Acquire::http::Proxy "false";

   That's been there since my first Ubuntu (probably Dapper) from CD-ROM, and not many
   packages use that setting. It's been there for so long, why did previous flashplugin
   installers work fine? Has the meaning of Acquire::http::Proxy changed, and flashplugin
   (perhaps foolishly) decided to depend on the new meaning ,without apt's own upgrade script
   deleting redundant old settings?

Anyway, the main point of *this* bug is it silently leaves "flashplugin-installer" installed and configured but Flash not working. And sometimes, even reinstalling/reconfiguring the package doesn't fix an Ubuntu that's been
through quite a few upgrades before getting to Natty.