Comment 59 for bug 449744

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nqzero (nqzero) wrote :

not technically your responsibility ? wtf ... it's a feature of the software, of your own custom build. click the menu, find addons, install. how is ubuntu _not_ responsible for that ? does the user have any way of knowing that anything is the "Ubuntu approved way" ? no

if you provided a browser, and were up front about it's limitations, made it clear that it wasn't firefox, then you wouldn't have a responsibility to fix it. but you didn't do that - you made a custom build and packaged it as _firefox_. not a-browser-derived-from-firefox-that-might-work, not ubuntus-broken-browser. no. firefox. and as such it should work like firefox. if something is broken that works in the real firefox, it _is_ your responsibility

rather than acknowledge that, you're blaming firefox. or firebug. or the user

can i understand you not fixing the problem ? yes
can i understand you not taking responsibility for the problem ? no