Comment 40 for bug 449744

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Nick Atty (5-launchpad-canalplan-org-uk) wrote :

Come on guys. Firebug just auto-updated itself and now if I happen to hit f12 by mistake Firefox crashes. All a web search produces is a pile of hits on everybody sloping shoulders and blaming others.

I don't care. This is just the sort of stupid mess that Windows software gets itself into. I'm using Ubuntu because I want to avoid this. Since this bug seems to have been known about for months, why did it automatically go live on us poor suckers in the last day or so? As far as I can see it's because everybody is saying "well it's not my fault, it's the other two (where the three are Firebug, Firefox and Ubuntu). As I said, I don't care who's fault it is. I do care that my system has auto upgraded to buggy.

The next thing I'm going to do is turn all auto-upgrading off. Which is not what any one wants from a security point of view. Come on, community as a whole. Stop pointing fingers and fix the bugs.