Comment 134 for bug 269656

Revision history for this message
kevmitch (kevmitch) wrote :

I'm a Debian user and have been using Iceweasel for the past year and a half. I thought I'd put my two cents in and say that Iceweasel is no different than Firefox as far as I an tell with the exception of the name, icons and UA string. These are mostly superfluous differences and I would even stop short of calling Iceweasel a proper "fork" since it follows the Firefox upstream so closely. The differences are essentially no greater than other packages that are modified from upstream by the distribution.

I would strongly recommend switching to Iceweasel to avoid this EULA nonsense. It is not in keeping with the spirit of free software and Mozilla needs to hear that message loud and clear. I can think of no better distro to hammer this message home than the ubiquitous Ubuntu.