Comment 121 for bug 269656

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Thiago Teixeira (tvst) wrote :

Here are the options as I see them:

1) If you don't have a problem with EULAs in general:
1.1) Show the EULA as a popup window (what is currently implemented)
1.2) Show the EULA during the Ubuntu installation
1.3) Show a better popup explaining the EULA in plain English, and with a button to install an alternative browser
1.4) Show the EULA in a tab or in the default home page.

2) If you do oppose EULAs the only option is to have another browser installed by default. This browser could be:
2.1) Epiphany
2.2) IceWeasel
2.3) abrowser
2.4) An Ubuntu-branded version of Firefox

Option 1.1 is the worst possible choice in my opinion.

To reach a consensus, Canonical and the Ubuntu community have to decide whether or not EULAs are acceptable. If they are, then Options 1.2 or 1.4 present a minimal amount of annoyance to the end user.

If EULAs are deemed unacceptable, then I vote for Option 2.4: the Ubuntu brand is a strong one and the names "IceWeasel" or "abrowser" don't particularly inspire much confidence. And the default home page can contain a panel explaining that the Ubuntu browser is a rebranded Firefox.