Comment 198 for bug 233901

Revision history for this message
In , Jehan-procaccia (jehan-procaccia) wrote :

Indeed, on windows autoconfig for firefox-3 doesn't work for me neither :-( .
 I am on vista , calling autoconfig with all.js doesn't seem to do anything. I don't have errors, but nothing is "locked" and none of the displayError message I call with the setting of mine MOZILLA_DEBUG environement viriable works .
HEre's what I did;
1) ask all.js to call firefox.cfg

E:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox-3\greprefs\all.js ends with

//Jehan autoconfig;,_Mission_Control_Desktop_AKA_AutoConfig
pref('general.config.obscure_value', 0);
pref('general.config.filename', 'firefox.cfg');

2) once irefox.cfg is called (which doesn't seem to occure :-( ) lock a default homepage:

E:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox-3\firefox.cfg

//put everything in a try/catch
try {
// 1) env variables
if(getenv("USER") != "") {
   // *NIX settings
   var env_user = getenv("USER");
   var env_home = getenv("HOME");} else {
   // Windows settings
   var env_user = getenv("USERNAME");
   var env_home = getenv("HOMEPATH");}
  var env_mozdebug= getenv("MOZILLA_DEBUG");

if (env_mozdebug) {displayError("NO ERROR , just a test, user =" + env_user); }
lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "" );
// Close the try, and call the catch()
} catch(e) {displayError("lockedPref", e);}

3) test it
E:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox-3>set MOZILLA_DEBUG=1
E:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox-3>set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=MCD:5
E:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox-3>set NSPR_LOG_FILE=e:\tmp\ff3-log.txt
E:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox-3>firefox

firefox shows up, but the default page is not set, nor the popup (which do work with thunderbird of the displayError message doesn't shows up :-( .
Is there a kind of links to be done as it was mentionned on linux with autoconfig -> xulrunner ?
/usr/lib64/firefox-3.0/defaults/autoconfig -->
I don't see any xulrunner on windows firefox3 installation !?

any help, greatly appreciated .
Thanks .