Comment 61 for bug 195698

Revision history for this message
In , Justdave-mozilla (justdave-mozilla) wrote :

FWIW, this is more tolerable than it used to be. It used to hang half the time when there were multiple of these prompts, and they'd all pile on top of each other, and half the time the one with focus wasn't the one in front. Now the one it front seems to get focus, and after entering the password in that one, I can just cycle through the rest of them and hit OK and they all continue and do what they need to even without entering it (because it was unlocked by the first one).

But it's still a pain. Would be nice if the security UI was queued, and only one could open to prompt the user at a time, and if a page was requesting something the user already did (like unlock the master password) it would just return to the user without prompting once it got to that point in the queue.

The same thing seems to apply to website http auth passwords. I can have 6 or 8 tabs open in the same website and on a session restore, every one of those tabs will prompt me for the website password after the master password is in, even though they're all for the same site and answering it for the first time would have satisfied the rest.