Comment 114 for bug 195698

Revision history for this message
In , Michal Suchanek (hramrach) wrote :

There are two similar problems here:

1) when there are multiple pages in a session that require password the password is asked multiple times even for the same realm. This probably happens when you do not type the password fast enough for the other tab to start loading when the realm is already authenticated. Similar problem happens for multiple authenticated media in a non-authenticated page (or so I beleive from description of bug 387652).

2) when the password for the site is stored there is a Master password dialog for each basic auth dialog. This is basically the same issue as above, only the the 'realm' here would be the firefox password database.

This happens in both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 rc

A somewhat unrelated issue is that the auth dialogs sometimes lose focus - this is a general UI issue probably not specific to security. My guess is that password prompts are the only dialogs appearing in sufficient quantity to trigger the bug. Whatever is done to dialogs the one with focus should be the one that is visible - bug 387652.