Comment 1 for bug 291846

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Mackenzie Morgan (maco.m) wrote :

#1: Confirmation would be nice, agreed
#2: Tooltips need to be added then
#3: This was on purpose to keep from cluttering the menu. What sort of small, simple icons would make sense for those actions that won't look too similar?
#4: I discussed this with Ted a few days ago. When there are many users, only the currently active users will be shown in future versions. There wasn't time to implement this for Intrepid, but I think he plans it for Jaunty. (Ted, can you comment?)
#5: If you dislike the default view, you can still change it to the narrow view where it just shows a "users" icon with the status icon instead of saying your name.
#6: Pidgin shouldn't be using the notification area for things that aren't notifications to begin with.