Comment 5 for bug 277407

Revision history for this message
Aaron Knight (knightrous) wrote :

I'm going against the grain here. I like the change to combine the power and fast-user switcher into a single, easy to use menu. Yes, the pixels on the power button are cut off, but intrepid is still beta, and there is time for this bit of art to be fixed (TBH, I'd rather the art was a little off and the function worked then the art perfect and a problem with the function).

I support this new change in menu functionality because not only is it faster then using the power button previously (waiting for the screen to fade and the options to appear) but it also minimises task bar space since you don't require the extra user menu. If you don't like this option, you can always just add the old user switcher to the task bar (Right click "add to panel") which would take less time then posting a "bug" report with negativity.