Comment 31 for bug 293207

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dardar (dardar) wrote :

Well I gave it another go a couple nights ago, but still had no joy, even with the new packages. I was working from a relatively freshly installed and up to date Intrepid virtual machine within VMWare Fusion on a MacBook. I deleted my .evolution folder and then restarted Evolution to generate a fresh .evolution folder. I then installed hggdh's new patch from PPA. (I didn't completely uninstall Evolution first. Not sure whether that would have made a difference.) I then tried to restore a fresh backup of my settings/email from my old Hardy virtual machine--which also lives within VMWare Fusion. Unfortunately, the restore step still did not complete. After killing the Evolution process, I saw that there were large Inbox and other files in my .evolution folder, so I tried deleting the index files within the .evolution folder and restarting. It looked like the migration was working, but it wound up getting hung at 11% completion. I let it sit for a half an hour or more but finally killed it again.

I wound up taking a deep breath and simply running an upgrade of my old Hardy virtual machine to Intrepid. That worked like a charm. The migration took a while when I first started Evolution, but at least it completed. My email within the Intrepid machine is now working great. I still have my Intrepid test machine and am willing to try other things on that, but I'm up and running again in Intrepid on my old virtual machine, so I don't have a lot of incentive to fool around with this any more. Not sure whether it's relevant, but my old virtual machine is 64-bit, and the new one is 32-bit. Could that affect whether or not a back-up is able to be restored???
