Comment 92 for bug 115616

Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

The fix for this has been accepted for gutsy, with the following changelog:

update-manager (1:0.81) gutsy; urgency=low

  [ Jonathan Riddell ]
  * DistUpgrade/
   - Add word wrap to quesiton dialogue

  [ Michael Vogt ]
  * DistUpgrade/
    - make the commercial archive transition more robust
    - when forcing the evms removal, ensure that all
      evms rdepends get obsoleted so that the safety checks
      in the upgrader do not kick in and prevent the removal
    - when calculating the size required in /boot take into account
      that installed initramfs images create a .bak file
  * updated list of demoted packages
  * updated ReleaseAnnouncement to include final text
  * updated demotions and mirrors to current gutsy