Comment 83 for bug 115616

Revision history for this message
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) (canonical-scott) wrote :

Gaëtan - you have it exactly right.

I've summed up the situation in more detail here:

This hopefully explains why we've chosen to drop support for and remove evms, and what the underlying problem is that causes this bug.

I've also confirmed that updating from dapper *does* cause the removal of evms (see the screenshots on that wiki page), so I'm content that users upgrading to 7.10 will have evms removed unless they try hard not to (e.g. because they're using).

Since Update Manager has a task on this bug that's now marked Fixed Released, I've marked the EVMS task "won't fix" since we don't intend to fix the *actual* evms bug -- our preferred solution is to get it off your computers :-)